When i'm going to go out and im getting ready i listen to electro different types of djs. Listinig to music get me pumped up and i get into a better mood. When i want to be left alone and feeling down i listen to depressing songs. Like Bruno mars and adele does are two artist i listen to when i just wanna be left alone. When im just bored and have nothing to do i listen to my music with full volume and i play some hip hop and just do my homework. Music just make my life much better because theres songs that just explain you are feeling
When im hanging out with my brother i listen to rap and the artist i listen to are biggie smalls and tupac. I love there music. Trey songz is one o my favorite artist because he sings differnt type of love songs and every lyrics to the songs explain the wa im feeling. Beyonce i like her music as well i listen to her music when i do my homework or im just relaxing. Music just makes everyhting better when you go out to a party you obviously need to play music. Also when you go to a family party , when i go to a family my family plays every type of mexican music that would make people wanna get up and dance and just have a good time. Music makes everybody happy im my oppinion.

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